New Delhi: Following a significant security breach at Parliament yesterday, four individuals have been taken into police custody for seven days for thorough questioning. Sagar Sharma and D Manoranjan, apprehended within the Lok Sabha, along with Neelam Devi and Amol Shinde, arrested outside Parliament, are now subjects of detailed inquiries by the Delhi Police. The security breach unfolded yesterday afternoon, leading to the arrest of five individuals, two of whom infiltrated the Lok Sabha and discharged dense yellow smoke using concealed canisters. Sagar Sharma from Lucknow and D Manoranjan from Mysuru had illicitly brought in smoke bombs, causing a brief panic within the Parliament. MPs and parliamentary Watch and Ward staff promptly subdued and overpowered the trespassers. The remaining two individuals, lacking visitors' passes, resorted to raising slogans outside Parliament while carrying the smoke bombs. All four individuals have been charged under the stringent anti-terror la...